Monday, July 26, 2010

MRI Completed

We went to the Children's Hospital today to get Larissa's MRI done. They had this painting in the entrance. I love it, I may recreate some of it in the empty bedroom my spare time.

The MRI went well, it was a tear free day.

When Sarah used to get sedated it was terrible. They put a cream on her IV site to numb the area but it never seemed to help. I can't tell you the number of times they had to papoose her to start her IV.....terrible to watch. Then she always threw up afterwards. The last MRI she had she developed an allergy to the contrast and turned red all over. Sarah is due for a MRI of her optic glioma but we all seem to be stalling on it.

With Larissa they used a spray that froze the area and a lot of distraction. She didn't seem to mind the IV at all. We were so thankful.

They gave her a little doll for her bravery.

After her MRI was competed she took a little time to wake up. She did have a seizure while waking up. Larissa ate her cookies and drank her juice with no nausea so they took out her IV and we were free to McDonald's.

My biggest lesson learned is to change the time if we ever have to do this again. She had a 12:30 appointment and we didn't leave until 5 pm so she was very hungry. Definitely need to get the earliest appointment time possible.

Now we wait for her follow up appointment on August 24th to get the results.


  1. So glad it went well...I didn't think about the fact that you had probably had them with Sarah. They always put Abigail under with the mask before they put the i.v. in...and I am so thankful! Praying for you all as you await results. :)


  2. When Larissa had her ear tubes they put her to sleep before starting the IV. I have never had them them do that on any of my kids sedations for MRI's. I wonder why. It sure would be nice!

  3. Oh, I will add that Sarah was about 6 years old when they allowed her to do the MRI without the sedation and she did great. They still had to do the IV for the contrast.

    Sarah was around 10 when she developed the allergy to the contrast. You can try to medicate for the allergic reaction and do the contrast. However, we have stopped using the contrast and have sacrificed some clarity. We mostly manage Sarah's optic glioma by watching for changes in her eyesight and eye exams.

  4. She is a doll! I understand the IV vein dilemma. I hated watching my son go through that over and over and over...I still do and he is now doesn't get easier as they grow....bless you all.

  5. What a brave little girl! I am glad it went well.
