Monday, August 2, 2010

How to ALMOST enroll your child in school, the SC way.

Well, I am still trying to enroll Larissa in school. The following are steps required for enrollment:
Go well in advance to the district office and fill out all paperwork and give copies of every required document and a drop of blood. OK, maybe not the blood..... yet.
Wait a month for the callback that was promised the "next day".
After waiting a month call the district office so you can be told that they have no record of your child and don't remember meeting you at all.
Wait 3 days for the return call that was supposed to come that afternoon.
Listen to the director of special services as she tells you that, ooops, she lost your paperwork on her desk. Also listen to her as she shows her ignorance on the issues that your child is dealing with.
Believe her when she tells you to go to the school on registration day and they will have your child's name and information.
Go to the school on registration day and watch as they look up your child and don't be surprised when they say that they have no record of your child. However, you can go into the long line to the side where you can do all the paperwork again.
Tell them that you will come back the next week, they will tell you that would probably be best.
Go to the school the next week to register your child.
Be patient as they tell you that their registration hours are from 9-11 only. Be appreciative that the lady didn't inform you of that last week because then you would have missed this opportunity to make this drive.
When the lady hands you all the paperwork and tells you to fill it out and bring it back don't act surprised when she says that there is no record of your child.

Oh, wrong title, should be how to ALMOST enroll your child in school. I will try again tomorrow.

That pretty much sums up my day. How was yours?

1 comment:

  1. The inefficiency and apathy shown by local school administrators has been astounding. It seems that nobody is dependable in following through in what is promised. This “lack of caring” has caused Felicia to make multiple trips to accomplish one stop processes. People should follow through on what they promise. There is simply no excuse for it all.
