Well, one phone call from my National Guard unit and I was calling the vet to change Lucy's appointment and lining up a babysitter. I was asked if I wanted to work Thursday and Friday instead of drill weekend next month. Sounds good to me, I can be home when John is here.
So, tomorrow I will drop kids off at school, go to my unit to work, go to school and then home (to help Sarah with algebra I imagine).
I took the kids to USC to get my ID card and books. The lady doing the ID cards thought that Sarah was the student. I had to tell her that it was actually this old lady. She said that I gave her hope because she has been thinking about going back to school.
We went to the bookstore and only one of my classes required a book. Of course, that one book cost $140. I wonder what the other two classes will require. I don't think that I have ever had a class where there wasn't a book up front. I guess I will know tomorrow.
As we were walking around campus I was explaining that this was where I was going to school to be a teacher. Anthony informed me that I couldn't be a teacher, I was his mom! Hmmm....wonder if I have stayed at home too long. I explained to him that many of his teachers were moms and that moms could be teachers, doctors or just about anything they wanted to be. This was such startling news to him.
So, tomorrow I will be a student. I am still trying to accept this Gamecock thing. We walked around the bookstore and some of the shirts had slogans on them that would be considered quite inappropriate in other areas!
New adventure, I think for all us.
Sarah just showed up with her algebra book, guess I'd better go. I wonder if I can find her a math tutor.
Woo, go cocks!