Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Life's Embarrassing Moments

Yesterday was visitation day for the babies. I was told that they would pick them up at 2pm and keep them until the foster care meeting in the evening.
. at 1ish I started getting the diaper bag around and some clean fresh clothing to put on them. They were both napping and I wanted them to sleep as long as possible so they wouldn't be crabby.
Naturally, at 1:30 the SW shows up to take the kids. Ha, they were both still asleep. So I bring them down one by one and change diapers and clothing.
Our SW asks to use the bathroom and off she goes. I didn't think anything about it. Well, shortly after she comes out I realize that the toilet was overflowing out of the back tank....nice. It never seems to do that when John is around.
Then I forgot to put another towel in there so she is looking around for a paper towel. Ha, the roll is empty....we have a case of them in the garage and it isn't helping at this point.
I am still changing kids so I offer her a diaper wipe! I have a case of those handy. She accepts that and then looks around for the trash can. Well, it is hidden in the cabinet. You open the cabinet and it rolls out. I just put a stinky diaper in there so you can imagine the stink she got!
Whew, what embarrassment. If you come by today there is a towel in the bathroom and paper towels in the kitchen, there are also plenty of diaper wipes if that is your preference.
Apparently the SW had a rough day too. Our baby latches on by pulling hair and she got a hold of her several times. She also got drooled on and chewed on once the baby decided she liked the taste of her collar. After the visitation, a coworker of hers gave the baby a french fry while she was holding her and the baby promptly choked on so she spit it up on her as well as peed on her at the same time. So, although I had an embarrassing moment, the SW had her hair pulled out and was drooled, chewed, spit and peed upon.
How was your day?

1 comment:

  1. this made me giggle-
    I hope things are going well with the new little ones
