I wish that life was so simple, that I was able to always be that rock, that safe place.
I wish that I knew what decisions to make sometimes, that someone would give me a rule book.
I am struggling.
I don't know what direction to go with Larissa.
When I talked about removing her from the program she is in, her teacher told me she wants to put her in a full day program with half of the day being in 4K. I think that Larissa would enjoy 4K. However, I don't think that she could do a full day right now. Her seizures are not under control. She sleeps, she seizes. I really think that it is affecting her sleep. If she sits still during the day she falls asleep. How can she do a full day that way?
Why won't they just put her in the half day 4K next to our house? If she went to the full day where she is going right now then the bus wouldn't get her home until around 5 pm! I couldn't pick her up because Anthony goes to the local school and gets out at the same time.
I will go to the IEP appointment on Tuesday, unless I hear something new, I think I have made my decision.
She's adorable. Trust you instincts.