Sunday, June 24, 2018


Today we went to church as usual. It was a great service, we are currently doing a series on the Road to Recovery and how everyone has something in their life that they are struggling with. So true, I know that I do.

I had bought the girls this shirt, couldn't find a smaller one for Emma! She wore it anyway. Benjamin has moved up to the 4 year old classroom and he hasn't been happy with the change. This is his third week going there and he is slowly getting better about going. I love how his teacher is so patient with him and is encouraging him to help him with greeting the kids as they come.

We are waiting for Miguel to make his appearance. He sure is poking his head up, unfortunately. Joselin has tried many things to get him headed in the right direction and he just isn't willing.

The kids are attending VBS this week and it started today. Benjamin went without a look back! He is growing up. Otherwise it has been a quiet day at our house. 

1 comment:

  1. Complications and disappointments aside, that is a very neat, cute and fascinating picture of Miguel! The definition is amazing!
