Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Do You Buy Toy Guns?

When Jason was little I bought him all types of toy guns. He had cap guns, Nerf guns and later paintball guns. In all those years of playing with toy guns we never had any major issues. I really couldn't understand why some folks had issues with toy guns. In spite of all those weapons Jason owned he was never a violent child and is not a violent adult today.
Then Anthony came into my home. He didn't know how to play with any toys but apparently there was a gun dealer in his home. Anthony made everything into a gun. Blocks were made into the shape of a gun. Cars became guns. He went around pretending that he was shooting everyone. All he knew was guns.
Violence, well lets just say that he has had his incidents. He tore apart a nice wooden captain's bed in a fit of anger. So, no guns for Anthony.
During our foster Christmas party he was given a transformers arm that shoots plastic pieces. It was cool and Anthony was so excited.
It lasted one day.
After shooting Kiwi in the face and Larissa in the back he showed me that he could not abide by my rule of not shooting anyone (or any animals). So, he lost his toy.

He wants a Nerf gun for Christmas. He will not be receiving one.

It has been almost 5 years since he left the home where the gun dealer worked. Still, sometimes I worry that the effects of those early 2 1/2 years will last a lifetime. I can't protect him from his impulses forever.

Anyone want a transformer arm? It is in great shape.


  1. That's too bad. We've had nerf guns, western guns and now the airsoft but we shoot at targets only. No pets, no people. We haven't had any that really look realistic or are army kind. There has never been the interest. We did do a funny family picture on our blog last year of everyone dressed in black with rifles though : )

  2. I have wrestled with the gun thing so much. I think I have come to the conclusion that since Papa and grandpa hunt, and granparents on my side keep loaded guns throughout their house (ridiculous) for "safety" I don't want her to think of guns as toys.
    However I do think there comes an age for most kids where they can understand we don't shoot people or animals...not even for pretend. And at that point we can discuss what guns are for. :)

    I probably put too much thought into it, but oh well.


  3. We do nerf guns and recently air soft with LOTS of safety gear ... and honestely I have found, that with boys, if they don't have real guns, they will turn a tree branch into one. At least those don't have pretend bullets. This is a tough one!
