Thursday, March 19, 2020

Maintaining Peace

As a mom to many kids during these times of upheaval I work hard at maintaining peace within myself to calm the kids. For the most part I have been able to do that. I know that we are blessed in so many areas. My husband is still working, we don't have childcare issues because the kids are out of school, we even have toilet paper. We are truly blessed.

However, when I stop and think about it, the hardships so many are going through, how the world will look so different when we come out of this, hope that something positive shines through, I get overwhelmed.

This morning Benjamin woke up with a fever. He was crying and holding his head, said his forehead hurt. I knew he had a sinus issue. I called his doctor with the symptoms of cough, fever and hurting head. We were told to park in the back and call them when we were there. They would then call us back when they were ready for us. They called us and we met them at the back door. So surreal, so strange. They tested him for the flu and strep, negative. Checked his ears and he had an ear infection. I told them that it was seasonal, he had an ear infection about this same time last year. They checked and he even had the infection in the same ear. They prescribed an antibiotic and then tested for the new virus. She said she didn't suspect he had it but given the size of our family she would like to rule it out. We won't get the results for a couple of days.

We picked up his medication and went home. 

The whole situation just made me feel down. I have been struggling to get anything accomplished. I find that I am just not motivated to do much. I miss the freedom of going out and about. Miss my dates with my husband. Miss church. Miss fellowship. Unhappy that we had to cancel DC and New York trip. And it hasn't even been that long! I think that listening to the news often doesn't help. Not knowing what the future holds doesn't help. There isn't an instruction book for this.

Part of me feels guilty for getting depressed, we have it so good here. But, it is a big change and a lot of uncertainty for everyone.

Tomorrow will be a new day and I will pull myself up. I have no choice, the kids look to me to see how they should be reacting. Tomorrow I will maintain my peace.

How is everyone else doing?


  1. I wasn't too stressed then we arrived at our new empty home, in a new state. I do find myself getting a little down. The kids confine in a new house, no toys, no beds, and no way to replenish the 2 rolls of toilet paper. Life is crazy when you lose sleep over how to find the basics like toilet paper. Your right the kids are watching so I need to make this a fun adventure and show them how to handle stressful situations.

  2. I have a 17 yo senior in high school who is seeing, perhaps, the best part of her senior year evaporate. The fun things. Including her final athletic season and competing in the state championship. She likes going to school. Lots of uncertainty for her (and tears) right now. We focus on what we *can control and the opportunities we've found in a slower pace. And we focus on the importance of what we're doing by social distancing. Helping others in the ways that we can. And that this *is temporary. A real time for faith and so many to pray for.

  3. I'm in the same situation as you, we've got it good here right now. Plenty of food, toilet paper, the weather is beautiful. My boys are both active in sports, so this is hard on them. I keep thinking of what it will look like after. I'm am extrovert, so I hate being socially distanced. I know it's for the good of everyone, I'm being careful, but I don't have to like it.
