Saturday, August 4, 2012

Saturday Ramblings

John enjoys online shopping. He got his latest purchase in the mail; a hot, ammo pouch and compass. Wonder what he is up to!?

I have already started my Christmas shopping and have purchased a few items online.  Sometimes it is just easier to find things that way.  Do you shop online?

I decorated a cake today for one of teens friends.  My teen made the cakes last night and I decorated it this morning.  Apparently it was pretty tasty and everyone was happy with the decorations.  ( is supposed to be a zebra cake).

This may have been a mistake!  Years ago I used to make all types of cool cakes.  However, I have gotten lazy and simply make tasty cakes lately.  After the kids saw all my tools I may have to get creative for the next round of birthdays.  Uh, maybe.  Anthony has his birthday this month and Larissa and Dimples are in September.  Lots of birthday cakes around here.

This afternoon the girls were served their summons papers for TPR in November.  Strange, they had to place them in their hands.  Different counties do things differently, our teen was never served.  Looks like things are finally starting to move forward.  I just wish that we could get to court sooner then November.  I know how things go, that could always change if someone can't make it.  But, I am not going to complain too much, I can almost feel the end of this process.

Dimples is definitely set on Emma Rose as her new name.  Michelle is not quite sure yet.  She may end up with a different name before all is said and done.  She DOES want her name changed.  Anyone have a good name with a good meaning let me know.  She is still looking at her options.  Teen is planning on staying teen, just changing her last name.  Wow, we are in the process of adopting 3 kids and will have 10 kids!  That number doesn't even scare me for some reason.

In my mom news, it is time.  I need to start looking for her a place.  She is declining to the point where she can't hardly stand.  I literally pick her up to get her in and out of bed.  My poor back can't do that for too long, she weight at least 150 lbs.  Her mental capacities are declining as well.  It is getting to the point where she doesn't want to get out of bed.  I see it, I know it, I just really need to act on it.  We have been blessed by an aid that is willing to come whenever we need her.  She came when we went to court and will come when I go to Florida to get Sarah.  I am at the point where I have her come a few days a week just to give me a break.  I can only afford to do this for so many hours a week since this is all private pay.

On Tuesday I leave to pick up Sarah.  I will be so excited to see her!  We have been working on her bedroom this last week and just finished the flooring today.  I will post pictures tomorrow after I pick up all my trash.  It was a messy job.

We are staying busy trying to finish projects and fix up the house.  It seems like everywhere I look there is something else that needs to be done.  It may never be finished completely!  I am still working on my kitchen.  I have long periods where I do nothing with it.  We find that we actually function quite well with no cabinet doors.  Figures!  The kids like to stand back and look at all the food options while complaining that there isn't anything good to eat.  Typical!

Well, I am off to bed.  Come back tomorrow night to see the super cheap flooring we put in Sarah's bedroom.  Well, at least the cheapest option we could find on clearance at Lowe's. 

Good night.

1 comment:

  1. Have loved reading your blog! It is October and I am not quite caught up yet! I had to start at the beginning! So, I have noticed that you mentioned 10 kids and grandkids. You only have pictures of 9 of your darlings over on the side of your blog page. Being your other child the one with grandchildren? Haven't seen any pictures of them and just wondered if you would share with us in blogland? Or do you not for some reason? Just love you and your family. I am in GA and we are about to get TPR and plan to adopt our 3 foster children. We have 4 bio-children. Love that you write about real life! It makes the rest of us feel like we are not alone and that we are human!
