Friday, August 24, 2012


Yes, my front door is now purple.
I am still woking on it.  I am in search of a door knocker.  I feel in love with one that I saw online but it is only sold in Australia.  Figures.  I am also looking for a welcome mat that is appropriate for our family.  I think I am going to design one for myself.
My husband has given me approval to paint a mural on the ceiling of the entryway!  When you look up you will see the sky with some branches and the bluebird of happiness flying around.  Right now I am trying to decide on a blue.  Do you have any idea how many sky blue colors there are out there?!

Any other suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I do know how many colors of sky blue because we had to decide on a color of blue for Adam's bedroom three years ago. The first color turned out too babyish for his room so we used it in the bathroom instead!
