Thursday, May 30, 2013

Time Flies

This week has really flown past.  On Tuesday our Little Miss was moved.  I told them that we didn't request that she be moved, we only needed respite care while we were gone.  They already had their minds made up so there was nothing we could do about the move.  I had some of her laundry in the washing machine so I still need to get some stuff to her foster family.  This move actually saddens me quite a bit.

Today I received a call from her foster mom.  Apparently she was told even less than me about the case and is trying to figure out some of the behaviors that Little Miss is having.  Her anxiety is back in full force.  I wouldn't be surprised if we did end up with her back in our home because of this because it is really exhausting to deal with.  I guess time will tell.  Apparently DSS didn't bother to notify the GAL that she was moved.  I also received a call from the GAL.

We also received a call on Tuesday asking us to do respite for two kids until Friday.  We said that we would then their foster mom called and said that her husband actually got picked for jury duty so they wouldn't be leaving for their vacation as planned.  The kids were excited to get new kids and were disappointed that they didn't come.  Such is the way of foster care.  Flexibility is definitely needed.

I find that I am having problems with setting my dinner table.  The number of plates required has gone up and down several times in the last month.  We are starting to feel like we have a revolving door!  Our county is in desperate need of more foster homes.  I have been told that some were in training and should be licensed soon.  I sure hope so because I really dislike how sibling groups are being split up.

We leave in a few days for Disney world and I haven't' begun to pack.  That is typical for me.  Actually right now I am working on Sarah's bedroom redo.  I am not sure if I will finish on time but there has been progress.  I would post pictures but it is a surprise for her and she checks my blog on occasions.  So after she sees her bedroom redo I will post pictures.

Well, back to work.  Have a great evening.


  1. When do you leave for Disney? We are driving down the 4th and will be at the gates at Magic Kingdom when it opens on the 5th! (We hope! You know how that goes!)

  2. I'm so sad they moved the little one. So, so sad. I hope you get her back because she needs the stability you (in your wisdom that comes from experience) can offer. =( When do you have openings in your schedule so we can get together when you're down here?
