Sunday, September 16, 2012

Our Day

My day started with trying to get this hair under control.  Larissa is willing to wear it looking this way....uh, I am not!

30 minutes later......ready for church.

Lazy afternoon....Larissa and Emma can play well together.

This room is seldom presentable.  Piles of toys and possible chew doys for the dogs.
The size of this room is 500 sq ft and it is where a lot of our living/playing happens.

Emma is presenting me with a necklace/bracelet that she made.  Michelle notices that I am taking pictures and she must be in on the action.

I bought all the girls lightweight jackets this weekend and Michelle wore hers all day.  No, the weather did not warrant the use of the jacket today.  It has been cool in the mornings when the girls head off to school.  Yes, they all got the exact same jacket.  It was soft on the inside and outside and came in only one pattern.

Just because.........for the dog lovers out there.

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