Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Feeling Real Lazy

I am feeling real lazy these days. Actually, extremely lazy. I wonder if the snow is to blame.
I live in the south for a reason! We lived in Michigan for one year and they had record snows that year. It was enough for me. This is actually the first time since we have lived here that we have had two snow storms in one winter season. The snow is actually still on the ground after three days.

The kids don't have school today but I do have class tonight. That means I will have to actually get out in the cold. I really like my nice warm home. Have I mentioned that I moved south for a reason?

Well, I know why I don't post during the day often. I started this hours ago and have been distracted by kids all morning long. Now they are looking at me for lunch.

I'll be back later.


  1. brrrr

    i grew up with lake effect snow. never again.

  2. Looks like things in my neck of the wood! I love that kind of sticks around up here for 6-7 months some years. You kinda get used to it; otherwise it could make for a Looooooong winter!
    Hope it goes away for you guys soon:)

  3. I am so glad to live in the only state in the union without snow on the ground today!

    I grew up in Michigan and I don't miss it.

  4. My husband grew up in Michigan and I grew up all over. He didn't miss the weather. His sister moved down here to get away from the snow and cold.
