Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Weight off my Shoulders

I have been growing my hair out so that I could donate it. Locks of Love needed 12 inches, but Pantene only needed 8 inches. So, I got Tasha to cut off my ponytail. My long hair was driving me crazy!

Well, the scissors weren't too sharp and the cut not too straight.

Larissa was in on the action and cutting her "pizza". I hope that tomorrow she isn't cutting hair!

My partner in crime.

Definitely more then 8 inches, I will get it in the mail tomorrow. I decided to go with the Pantene program

The hair goes towards making wigs for women with cancer. LaverndernOldJeans and Georgia Mommy, this is to you.

The new, lighter me!


  1. SO EXCITING!! i think i would go nuts with hair that long! good for you for staying strong!
    Dont TRSUT larissa - didnt you read this post ;)

  2. Oh, I read your post and have had it happen. I did take her scissors away! I can't imagine how bald she would be if she cut off a ponytail at the scalp, yikes.

  3. yeah that wouldn't be good! i'm glad it happened...ok not glad, but now i feel i have one more mommy stripe!

  4. I've been growing out my hair too. For years Almost to my waist! But I was told that Locks of Love charges recipients and Pantene doesn't.
