Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just Plain Busy

I am in the final few weeks of this school semester and it is just a little overwhelming at this point. I just turned in a 38 page project today and have a writing assignment due on Friday that I haven't even started yet. I have two tests next week and then two major papers due.

Tomorrow is the last day that I go to the local schools for observation. I am so glad that this semester is coming to an end. Going to local schools during the day and then college at night while maintaining a household is seriously challenging.

I am also looking for mental health care for Larissa. Her behavior in the last few weeks has gotten so bad that I have had to leave class early to go home. Getting emergency calls in the middle of class are not good. Let me tell you, finding mental health for a 5 year old is hard. There aren't many options where we live. I wonder how far I will end up travelling.

I had signed up for summer classes and then withdrew from them today. When I signed up I didn't know what was around the corner. So, no classes this summer. I will concentrate on being mom.

If you don't see much of me in the next week you will know why.....I am studying and writing up projects.

1 comment:

  1. Praying God's strength and Peace to sustain you, clarity of mind so that you can get all your assignments completed well, and a clearly lit path to the right help for your kiddos.
