Saturday, February 6, 2016

Day 5

Another wall to paint. I have been told that the pink paint was put there 25 years ago. I wonder when the top wallpaper border was put up. I am guessing the late 80's. This wall is getting painted white. Larissa was shocked. There will be blocks of color put up at some point.

Supplies are coming in, I am broke.  Need cheap meal ideas!

I love the floor painting and the green childrens table.

Larissa came from dance next door and wanted to paint some of the floor.

I got home to a whiney, fussy baby. He had a slight fever so I oiled him up and cuddled a bit. I figured that I would have to make a doctors appointment in the morning.  However, he woke up happy and fever free so I oiled him up again and watched him.


  1. Love how its all coming together. A great job by all.

  2. What oil did you use? Despite getting the flu shot I officially have the flu... Day 4 of fever

    1. I put some Lavender under his ears, Peppermint on his belly and diffused some Thieves. I have continued to use the Lavender and he has been fever free. I have been told that for the flu you use Thieves and Oregano.
