Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mission Trip Final

We all were to fly out of Guatemala City very early on Saturday and we were hours away.  The roads add lots of travel time to any trip. 

So On Friday we got up and headed to Antigua.

We went shopping in the market there.  I bought the usual souveniers but was really looking for a Guatemalan cooking book that Joselin had requested.

There were no books in the market so I took off on my own to find a recipe book.

 Aha, I found a book store!

And they had exactly what I was looking for.  Score.

That evening we stayed at a very nice hotel in the middle of town and had a nice dinner with a show.

It was a great trip and I would love to be able to go again next year. 

I didn't know what to expect and wondered how much we could do considering the different languages.  We were asked to build relationships.  It is amazing how much of a relationship you can build with language barriers. 

We were to show the love of Jesus and I feel that our team did that.

If these group visits are done well it is helpful to the Che teams that visit the village weekly.  We don't see the immediate impact of our visits but according to the Che team there is an impact that is felt by them in the weeks following our visits.

Everyone survived at home without me.  However, EVERYONE was happy to see me return!