Friday, May 12, 2017


We have been busy.

 A lot of yard work is getting started but not much is getting finished! Our poor yard has been so neglected. However, I finally bought the flamingos for the front yard.

Benjamin tries very hard to be a big help. Anyone with a 3 year old helping with yard work knows how much that speeds up the process.

The kids tried out a karate place and we have found where they will go, they will start after dance season is over and after I have finished paying for Sarah's mission trip. There is an initial $500 fee and then one family cost every month. The initial cost includes all the uniforms and supplies. The family cost is $118/month total for the entire family.

Chilling with the family at local restaurants.

Some days if you walk in my front door you will find a blanket tent tucked in the corner.

With kids underneath

Some days we simply chill on the couch and watch TV

We love having Vaida over to add some excitement to our lives

I hope to post over the weekend. Posts to come are Sarah's mission trip and my visit to the therapist. Someone send me some motivation! 


  1. Is this enough motivation. Please please write some posts as I enjoy them so much.

  2. The karate lessons sound like a great bonding time. Are you going to do it also?
