Saturday, January 9, 2016

Down Time

As the weather suddenly turned cold, our house has been dealing with the common cold. I don't have much gumption when I spend half my nights trying to cough up a lung. So we have been having a lot of down time. Homeschooling has been happening but we are about to have a change in that area so we are wrapping some stuff up.

Sarah heads back to college next week so we have been having some family time.

For Christmas Joselin had wanted some clothing and I purchased her some but also gave her a shopping trip ticket. She has decided that she wants some conservative clothing because she says that people judge you by what you wear.  Of course I gave her the look because I have told her that many times.  She gave me "yes, I know you told me so" look back.

Tasha and Vaida were able to join us as well. 

Sarah was with us but somehow avoided getting in any pictures!

Tasha claims that this is a pig.  

Benjamin and Vaida got their first Build a Bears.

His Chewy might have more than one heart.

Grooming Chewy.

Vaida Putting in the heart to her Chewy.

A quiet moment with his Chewy.

These two have such different personalities.  Vaida is quiet and Benjamin is loud and rambunctious. Sometimes Benjamin scares Vaida with his boisterousness.  

Sometimes they get along great and share.

He shopped til he dropped!

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