Monday, March 7, 2011

Trudging Along

It is my spring break. Somehow it doesn't feel like it. Today and tomorrow I will be at the local high school and then on Wednesday and Thursday I will be doing drill at the local armory.
My drilling days are now limited. They have not been able to find me a slot anywhere in the state and I do not have the time (or energy) to attend a new school so I am getting out. I should be out some time in May. With the economy the way it is so many people are either joining the Guard or reenlisting. They definitely do not have a shortage of soldiers. Somehow it makes me just a little sad but I know that it is for the best.
I have picked Sarah's entertainment center as my project to finish this week. Hopefully tomorrow night I can get some work done on it. I had planned on doing some work tonight but drama took over. Good but hard decisions were made today.
I should be using this time to catch up on my reading however I haven't touched a book. I have been going to the high school to catch up on some stuff for a big project in one class so I don't feel too bad. I have several big projects coming up and worry that something may not get finished. Geez, this applied behavior analyst stuff is very interesting but a lot of work.
So, I am off to bed because it has gotten late again. Look for some zebrafied furniture pictures tomorrow. If I promise them then I have to motivate myself to do it! Have a great evening.

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