Monday, November 22, 2010

A Small Vent

Why won't they let little girls be little girls? We went shopping yesterday and I wanted to get Larissa some new dresses. She has made the move from 6X to 7. Do you realize that when you move up to size 7 you move up to adult looking clothing?
We went to Kohl's and we struggled to find any dresses she liked. She did not like the adult looking clothing. She did find one dress she liked. I liked it too..........

Perfect for a 5 year old. Unfortunately it was the only dress we found that she liked.

She was bound and determined to wear it today so I put a white t-shirt with it. It came with a long sleeve polka dotted shirt but it is supposed to get to 79 degrees today. Where is our fall weather?

I really need to make some time to get back to sewing. I see so many cute fabrics at the store these days.


  1. ALL of our friends who have kids around the 6-7 year old range have said the same thing. I want my little girl to look like a....little girl. There are few websites with some cute clothes (although you pay a little more).

    You may have to copy and paste that...but REALLY cute little girly things!!


  2. I do okay with Jasmine. Usually shop Penneys or Dilliards clearance racks. But cannot find anything for Jessica so she has started wearing slacks to church. She wants the cutesy girl type dresses but in teen sizes everything looks like barbie clothes--very, very short barbie clothes!
