Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Kids Health

Sitting here in the hospital thinking people must think I only take Larissa to the doctor. Well, honestly  that feels true some days. She is my only kids with asthma, allergies and epilepsy. None of our minor children have any type of chronic health issues. Sarah has NF1 but I think that Larissa’s health struggles impair her more.

I recently took Anthony in for a sports physical and they hadn’t seen him in a long time. He got tall on them. He is thinking of doing soccer this year, we will see. He isn’t into competitive sports.

I think Benjamin has been the most after Larissa, he got the flu on his birthday last year with a high fever and later had an ear infection. He doesn’t get them often and only had the flu for two days.

Michelle has the worse eyes of all the kids. She says she has old lady eyes. I feel her pain, I was the same way as a kid only we didn’t have these thinner lenses back in my day.

Emma gets occasional headaches but nothing concerning and I did take her to the doctor for that. She did get glasses which she won’t wear. I bet it would help with her headaches she did. I can buy them and send her to school with them but I am not allowed to duct tape them to her head.

I don’t take kids to the doctor for viruses and such. As long as they stay hydrated and their fever is not too high I let them run their course. Why take a kid with a virus to the doctor and have them catch the flu.  Actually, we don’t get sick that often considering how many folks are in the house. I used to be paranoid when my mom was in the house that we would make her ill, that never happened.

Surprising none of the kids except for Larissa have broken any bones. Hers happened at school. That is surprising considering how much they play outside and the things they do. Climbing trees and such. I did catch them on the roof of the shed and made them get off. I finally had to stop the after dark hide and seek, our foster son is a bit clumsy and was tripping over stuff in the dark outside. Accident waiting to happen.

So, yes, Larissa is my only kid that I sit up at the hospital with. She is the only one with multiple health issues. It sucks.

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