Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Adventures in Miniature and Larissa is 13!

I saw someone with a miniature dollhouse with a miniature art studio with miniature art inside of it and was intrigued. I decided that I wanted a miniature dollhouse to play with. I went searching and found an unfinished house an hour south of us. We were discussing it when she stopped talking to me and stopped taking messages. I searched more and found another one an hour north of us. I set up a meeting time/place with her. Suddenly the other lady asked me when could I get her house so I set up a time and place with her as well. So, Larissa and I each have our own playhouse to play with.

Larissa's dollhouse will get finished before mine!

Larissa's birthday was coming up and she wanted some beds so I made her some for her birthday.

I put a little metal in there so the bedding could lay down.

Larissa turned 13! Hard to believe.

She picked Red Lobster

She was delighted with her homemade beds. I also got her a bathroom and kitchen. I have really started cutting back on gifts. The kids have so much that it just adds to the clutter. 


  1. Happy Birthday Larissa!!! I love that she still enjoys doll toys. I played with dolls well into high school and requested new ones for Christmas until I was 16! I actually still have most of them.

  2. You could give experiences as gifts rather than things. Such as a one time parasailing adventure or a try scuba class or something they are interested in or even annual tickets to whatever amusement park is closest to you.
