Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Critical

Conversation we had lately at our house, why do people work so hard to bring others down instead of helping to build them up?

Imagine how the world would be if people were just a little less critical and a little more supportive. 

If instead of criticizing they offered a little love.

If instead of criticizing they offered to help.

If instead of criticizing they acknowledged that they really don't understand what you are going through but believe that you are doing the best that you can.

How would the world look?

Every day we are criticized.  For how we deal with situations.  How we parent. How we have built our family.  The number of kids we have. Our colorful family. How we live.

Yet, we continue to do what we can.  We continue to research and look for new ideas on how to deal with behaviors.  We talk with other parents who have done the same walk. 

Day in and day out we start anew.  We forgive and move forward.  We stick with our kids even when it is hard.  We love our children when they don't want it. 

We have sacrificed financially.  We have given of our time at a time when we could be empty nesters. 

We have prayed for our children.  We have prayed with our children.

However, we have also failed at times.  Had to regroup and rethink an issue.  Had to admit that we did wrong and move forward while looking for new ideas.

In spite of our faults, our children continue to grow.  Continue to heal.  Continue to learn what family means. 

Slowly, they learn to trust.  Learn how it feels to be loved and to love back.  Learn respect.

So although we are bombarded by critics, we will do what we can for the children who come into our care. Because they deserve it.  Because they need it.  Because it is what we have been called to do.


  1. I have been reading your blog for quite awhile now. I don't have any adopted children, or do foster care. My husband is not interested, and while that might change someday, right now this is our life. However, I continue to read your blog, because you are so inspiring. I am in awe at how you have added so many to your family, as well as how you help them heal. You may not hear it enough, but I think you are wonderful. I hope that you don't let others drag you down. You really are an inspiration to me, and if ever we do decide to do foster care, I know who I will ask for advice.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with the first comment! You are an inspiration to me! I read your blog and I am motivated to try to be a better mother to my seven children. Your family is so blessed to have you as their mother. I know you have also been a blessing in the lives of countless others! Keep up the good work! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family with so many.

  3. It's hard with birth siblings because they may already have a pattern of being partners in crime or in dealing with each other in unhealthy ways. My big mistake with my first two challenging boys was in taking things personally and being angry all the time. You are doing great because you are not doing that. Hang in there.
