Saturday, July 14, 2018


Sat with Larissa today at lunch and she was talking about what she felt she needed to work on. She mentioned not shutting down when she is upset. If you know Larissa that is a real thing. Then she talked about how she needed to stop allowing others to steal her joy. This led to a discussion on racism.

She says that her first experience she remembers is from Emma and how Emma turned a bunch of girls against her and they all started bullying her at school saying racist things. Her own sister. The pain and mistrust is still there. She wonders if the impact of one child turned many kids to be racist or was it there anyways. I wonder too.

Then recently she had another issue at VBS where a girl just came up and started attacking her. The girl came from Emma’s group. She strongly feels that Emma said something. It hurt her to the core. Can’t be proved but she doesn’t think her heart has changed.

 Attack from within the family hurts in a way that is different than from strangers.

She says that now she sees racism all the time. That it is sad, you can’t judge someone by the color of their skin.

She said that many black people are racist. She has watched me come under attack from some black women and that they were just so wrong. (Actually in one incident she was so terrified she was crying and shaking.) 

She says she loves people of all races and colors, more people should try it.


  1. Such a mature girl. So sad that her sister is racist

  2. This is my biggest concern. I'm adopting two beautiful black little girls. I come from a family who is white, but have no racism, thank the Lord. My brother in law is black, and we love him. The problem is I really want to move East but fear I will move my little girls to area that has racism. Yes I understand there is racism everywhere but I do notice it is worse in some areas. Any advice?

  3. Yet look which child is doing the modeling. Beauty is inward and outward.
