Sunday, July 8, 2018

New Placement

I know, I know, you have to learn to say no.

DSS called me asking if we could take a 6 year old boy, they had several kids that they were trying to take placement of and sounded kind of desperate. I asked my husband and he said go ahead and accept him, we can put him in Anthony's room.

We start discussing moving a bed and they call back. They have his 10 year old brother there as well and it is expected to be just a few weeks as an aunt has already passed the background check. We decided that we would actually move little man in with Anthony and let the two boys stay in that bedroom together.

The boys arrived with nothing, not even a toothbrush. We find out that they had been in a foster placement for 10 days and when they went to pick them up for a visit the foster parents said not to bring them back. They had given no warning, told the worker that they were going to the beach and didn't want to take them. They also had their sister. Their sister went to the home where their other sister was placed.

Obviously something was going on. I don't know if they were overwhelmed or what but the fact that the boys came in the clothing that they went into care with is just not right. We haven't been taking the older boys so I was not prepared at all. I had to go out and buy underwear, swimming suits, clothing, toothbrushes and such. I realized too late that I forgot pajamas so they made do with big t-shirts and shorts.

They have been acclimating well, went swimming and out for sno cones today. The 10 year old came up to me and said that he wished his sister was here, he said she would have fun. It has to be hard to not know where your siblings went and to wonder if they are doing well.

Thanks to a group I am on on facebook I have been able to find the foster mom who has the girls. We are hoping that the kids go to their aunt quickly but if not we plan on meeting up every other week, opposite of their visitations. Neither of us is in a position to take the other two, we both have 8 kids under 18 in the home! I really wish that I had just one more bedroom in our home. Not so we could take more kids, so we wouldn't have to shuffle around to place kids where they would do best.

In other news, Miguel did not get to come home today. They want to observe him one more night and they are expected to come home tomorrow afternoon.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I am cleaning my garage between parenting duties.

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