Monday, July 9, 2018

Calm Day

It was actually a calm day here. Well, calm for us. I suspect that our calm is not the same as calm for others. We successfully got everyone to church on time and signed in to their classes. As we were leaving Joselin called and did that she was being released. I dropped everyone off at home and went and picked her and Miguel up from the hospital.

I took that bit of time to stop and get some groceries. Literally every day or two I have to shop for groceries. The bag of oranges I bought today is gone, a few bananas remain so I may make it through tomorrow as I saw 2 gallons of milk left. Well, perhaps not, I am not sure what I will be cooking for dinner tomorrow.

I spent a large portion of my afternoon cleaning my bedroom. It is a mess and laundry accumulates there. Washing clothing isn’t a problem, putting it away is! It doesn’t help that so many kids are always outgrowing their clothing and I need to organize that somewheee (not successful with that at this time). Although I did get some laundry put away and sorted a lot does remain. I did not meet my goal of cleaning my bedroom this weekend! Anyone accomplish anything this weekend?

I promised the kids that I would take them swimming after dinner and chores were done. The new boys actually helped with chores so that they could swim. I  need to look at giving them some chores like all the other kids.

Tomorrow I have a few appointments and need to make a few more. I sure do get tired of driving!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Had to be better than mine, cleaning my bedroom.


1 comment:

  1. My sister in law who has 6 kids under the age of 9 (ultra orthodox jew) started washing each kids clothing separate. She keeps 2 laundry baskets per child to the number of kids in the bedroom that match the kid, and each kid has their name on it all the blue ones are for dirty and say that a and the red are for clean. That way even if she can't put it in their dressers the clothes still stay somewhat organized. It also makes taking out to small clothes out. 2 of the kids have add and one oppositional defiance disorder. She also decided that if they choose to wear dirty clothes she lets it go for 2 days, unless their are huge stains.
    Also did you see the dateline special on medical marijuana and seizures, it's showing life changing effects to kids.
    Hope all is well and enjoy the rest of the summer
