Sunday, July 22, 2018

Busy Summer Days

We are enjoying our summer here in spite of the heat.

Joselin celebrated another birthday and requested strawberry shortcake. I may have made a bit too much whip cream and fit as much on as I could. All the kids got spoons and finished it off.

The kids barely lasted an hour at a picnic at the park. Too hot.

Sno cones are more my thing for this heat!

Our short term placement of only 2 weeks is still here. The older boy has learned how to swim. They are enjoying the pool quite a bit and have settled in rather well. Our biggest challenge is their eating. If there is food in the house they seem obligated to eat every last bit of it. I spent $1000 in groceries in one week! Normally we spend about $2000/month. I try to leave out fruit and crackers for snacks. Fruit gets expensive when they go through a bag of oranges, apples and bananas a day. Heck, they even ate up my celery in the fridge.

The 10 year old has a birthday next Saturday. I am not sure what to do. I hadn't budged for it. If they don't go to their aunt soom then they will be on vacation with us. Then I have back to school to get. That is a lot of expense I wasn't expecting and since they both are in school that dramatically increases my costs. I haven't started shopping for school yet! Has anyone?

1 comment:

  1. I am a teacher and I have started back to school shopping this past weekend. Our foster care closet is having a bts give away for foster kids. I have 4 bios and in between placements right now. We have a young man come for 24 hour respite from an A and D treatment center. I guess they are seeing how he does with respite and then see if he needs a permanent placement when he graduates. I probably budget for him to get a bts outfit next week during taxfree weekend.
