Thursday, November 21, 2019


Larissa has been dealing with allergies lately. First she developed milk intolerance and then two weeks ago she started to break out in an itchy rash all over her body. At first we thought it was something environmental as she is allergic to grass but it quickly became apparent that it was something she was eating. We noticed she broke out right after eating popcorn. The next day it was either the chili or the cornbread. The rashes are getting more severe and she has them every day.

With our insurance you have to have a referral to get tested for allergies. We have been to the doctor and are waiting on a referral. We really need to find what is causing this. I do see one common food of corn. Oh my, that one is hard. It requires a totally different food approach as corn is in about everything here!

We are trying to limit corn but it is hard, a huge learning curve. She breaks out with popcorn, chili or cornbread, gummies, sauces, ramen, pizza, egg roll. She can eat eggs, meats, grapes and bananas. She hasn’t eaten everything I prepare, no pancakes, canned vegetables and such. We have only been inventorying food for a few days. Trying chicken, asparagus and baked potatoes tomorrow. Probably try the gluten free cereal for breakfast. She has been afraid to try bread. We are struggling. Not sure how to cook. Bought some sunflower oil and gluten free foods today. Frustrated that we don’t know what to cut. Every day she breaks out in rashes after eating, sometimes more than once.

This has really had an impact on Larissa. She is crying over food and is afraid to eat. She doesn’t need to lose weight but at this rate she will. We are cutting out processed food. Looking for more natural foods, apples without the shine. I hate that I can’t feed my child foods that don’t hurt her.

Anyone with food allergies? Corn allergies? I sure hope it isn’t corn! Please share


  1. If her allergy is to corn then check gluten free very carefully. Most gluten free processed food has corn. I have gluten and corn sensitivities and it is difficult and requires lots of label reading.

  2. If it started now it means her immune system is down. so you need tu strengthen her. What I do is : vitamin d3- give her 2000-3000 a day - you can try more. and probiotics- in huge doses for 2 monthes. also dairy free, corn free - natural diet. lots of soups- natural, millet is good. sth to detoxicate her body...choose sth what works for you. kill worms- the best are fresh pumpkin seeds in the morning- then sth for speeding digestion. we as a family with big allergies don't eat meat and dairy and processed food. also what helps is sport and water. wish you victory. one more idea for quick help the best is sunshine and sea water. can you go to the sea side?

  3. I think there is a food sensitivity kit you can order online do a home test for allergies. It might help you figure something out before seeing a doctor. I have no idea how accurate it is, but you might be able to research it and see. I don't know if it is for children or only adults.

  4. I don't want to get too personal or embarrass Larissa, but is she close to her period? I know a lot of women who, especially as teenagers, had odd rash type things happen at certain points in their cycle.
    Just something to consider

  5. I second the idea to strengthen her immune system! I would look for a naturopath or functional medicine doctor to guide you. My daughter had severe health issues for several years. We saw over 30 different doctors in several states trying to find help for her. It wasn’t until we found a naturopath who knew how to help improve her immune system that she started to get better. She did vitamin C infusions and other nutritional IVs along with parasite elimination, supplements and extreme diet restrictions. It wasn’t a quick fix process and I know how hard it is to have all the diet issues when you are trying to feed a whole family! (We have 7 children) But it is doable and it was so worth it! A couple of years down the road now she is back to her healthy happy self and no longer has to restrict her diet! Good luck! We are praying for you guys!
