Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter

Slowly I am getting back into painting, I saw this cute guy on Pinterest.

I will be honest, I get tired of all these obligations to do all these different activities and buy all these things for the kids. It seems to be non-stop. I did but the kids candy and even some stuffed animals but I didn't buy new baskets. I scrounged around the house and used what we had and even some shoe boxes. It just seems like every holiday brings big expectations for the kids but the reason for the holiday becomes lost.

Anyone do the Easter bunny? We don't, I told the kids long ago that there is not a big bunny walking around hiding eggs, what a strange concept. 

This year I was totally in a bah humbug mood. After 30 years of doing eggs as a parent I had no interest. Thankfully, I have a friend who needed eggs to make some deviled eggs so she came over and had them decorate them for her.

We also took a bit of time to see how many kids could fit on my lap......

Jason and Kassi came over today after church and I didn't take many pictures. I was just enjoying my time with everyone.

I hope everyone had a great Easter. Anyone have any interesting traditions? 

1 comment:

  1. I've never even done eggs! I put some candy and some gift that the kids needed anyway into the same easter baskets every year. ;-) Never done the bunny.
