Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lazy Day Ramblings

My yard is getting a little overgrown so this morning I decided to do some cleanup.

I was in the middle of pulling weeds when I ran into this spider.........

I decided to let the weeds stay.
We ventured into town this afternoon and did some clothing shopping before we went to see Despicable Me. Larissa was sitting next to me and really enjoyed it. It was such a joy to hear her spontaneous laughing. Although my kids can frustrate at times, I truly enjoy watching them grow into their own little personalities.....they are such a joy to me.
After the movie we visited the Family Christian Store where they had this necklace in the clearance section.

Joselin asked me to buy it for her. I was shocked and I guess she could tell. She asked me if I thought that she was an atheist. I said yes, she had told me that she didn't believe. She said that it wasn't true, she does believe in God. Teenage rejection of parental values? I don't know. We take life one day at a time right now. If you parent teenagers you understand.

I don't really know where we stand with Joselin anymore. She rejects us one day and seems to try and come back the next. She has decided to go back to school and I hope that she does well this year. I worry about her, more then she worries about herself.

Our weekends seem to go by so fast. I know it is because John is only home on the weekends and we try to put a weeks worth of togetherness into two days. I am afraid that this will be our situation for a long time. The job market here in SC is terrible and I don't see it changing in the near future. I know that I shouldn't worry about it since I can't do anything about it, however, I do.

One day at a time..........................

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