Monday, March 2, 2020

Benjamin is 6

Benjamin is now 6! He wanted to celebrate at the skating rink. We need to go more often, he needs more practice skating!

Later that evening, after bedtime, he came into our bedroom and snuggled with me. He said he came to give me a recap of his day. He told me that he had a great day and really liked all of his gifts. He loved spending the day with everyone. He then told me he loved me. I told him that I was glad that he had a good day and that I loved him too. I then asked if he was sleeping with us or going to his room, he went to his room. Funny, we work so hard on encouraging him to sleep in his room but I miss hi when he does.

I am often asked why I say yes to so many placements. This is why. I feel that we have blessed Benjamin but he has blessed us back ten fold. When each child walks into our home we never know how we can bless that child or what blessings will come our way.

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