Thursday, February 27, 2020

Pine straw baskets

Years ago we went to the market in Charleston where they sold pine straw baskets. I thought that they were really interesting and was interested in making one myself. Of course I never had time for that.

I few weeks ago I saw that Hobby Lobby was offering a class in how to make pine straw baskets. I quickly signed up. I really enjoyed the class and the process. The class was 3 hours long and each person completed a basket in that time. I would love to make more but I sure don’t have the time for it right now. It was a beginners class so I don’t know all the different types of ways to manipulate straw. I wouldn’t mind taking another class.

My yard is filled with pine straw but I have so many other projects to do. Perhaps in the future I will have the time and opportunity to make more.

Anyone make these?

1 comment:

  1. They are very pretty, but yes can imagine they take time. Which i know is very hard to come by.
