Monday, June 5, 2023


 Lately life has been hard. April of 2022 John’s voice changed. The neurologist said he had a stroke. I was skeptical and nothing showed on the MRI or CAT scans. I was told that it didn’t always show up. We went on with life but I knew it wasn’t a stroke. By March of 2023 the neurologist acknowledged that we were looking at something else and ran a bunch of tests. April of 2023 John was diagnosed with bulbar ALS. I didn’t know that there were different types of ALS but as soon as I read the description, I knew. ALS is awful! We are already a year in and John is declining fast. We can’t get things fast enough. I need the ramp last month, I am terrified he will fall down the stairs. He is falling and uses a wheelchair whenever we go anywhere. My last day at my job is the 7th, I am staying home. John got a feeding tube last month and I am struggling to keep everything together. 


  1. Alice C. from TexasJune 5, 2023 at 10:16 AM

    I am so sorry to hear that news. That is terrible. Is there anything that we (the internet folks) can do to ease your burden even a little? Do you live in a place that has DoorDash or something (our town is too small)?

  2. I can't offer much but all the well wishes in the world. I am so sorry this has happened to you all.

  3. Oh no, that is terrible terrible news. I'm a long time reader of your blog and have really enjoyed reading about you and your family. I'm thinking of you and your family, so sorry to hear this.

  4. Oh that is terrible news. I am so sorry. I have been a long time reader of your blog and have really enjoyed hearing about your family. I am thinking of you all.

  5. I am so sorry to hear this news about John. My family will be praying for you and John and your family. You have been an inspiration to me for many years. I hope you will feel God's love, comfort and strengthening power as you go through this most difficult season in your lives.

  6. I'm so sorry. As a fellow foster and adoptive parent, I've followed for years and y'all have been such a wonderful team.
