Thursday, April 16, 2020


I still don’t know what Benjamin has but it finally passed. I have to say he scared me. I went in at 3 am to check and see if his temperature had risen. He was wet as though his fever had finally broken. I took his armpit temperature and it was under 94! I then woke him to take it orally and it was 95.7. That seemed awfully low to me. Took my own temperature to see if the thermometer was working and mine was normal. I kept checking on him until 4:20 when I had to go to sleep.

I called the doctors office the next day and they sent for him to get a chest X-ray and blood work.

John took him in but he had to share with me how he didn’t cry when they took his blood.

I received a call today to let me know that everything was normal. I believe it was a sinus issue but that now is not the time to investigate that. But, for now he is back to his busy self.

Today he got a roommate. We have placement of a 5 year old boy. He came this evening and the boys played and played themselves to sleep. Abuse and neglect don’t stop just because the world does.

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