Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Larissa and I made it to Charlotte yesterday to see a new neurologist. It was a totally different atmosphere. They called us while we were driving to let us know that she was running late and asking if they could make her appointment 30 minutes later. I said yes and we stopped for breakfast.

The neurologist asked if Larissa had ever had genetic testing. She has a half sibling with similar seizures. She told me that some types of seizures were genetic. I had never been told that before.

She is concerned because Larissa has tried so many different medications without success. She thinks that the odds of controlling her seizures with medication is slim and it sending her to another neurologist who specializes in surgery. The last neurologist said that the seizures weren't bad enough to warrant surgery while throwing new meds at her. That prospect scares me. She is scheduled for a 48 hour EEG in the hospital in Charlotte in January so we will see what comes out of that. Hoping to get some answers.

On the ride home Larissa asked me if the surgery would help with her learning disability. That question broke my heart. She is aware that she struggles and knows that she isn't keeping up academically with her peers.

Now I am concerned about eating hospital food for two days and not knowing what allergies she has. I don’t want one thing to distract another. Still waiting on that.


  1. Oh Larissa. That comment is heartbreaking. It's so hard to work like crazy and still fail. So glad she has a mom who helps her find things that she is good at.
